When you join PERSISTers you get:

  • Action Items emailed to you weekly - Click here to view a sample.

  • Invitations to Friday morning (or a monthly Thursday evening) meetings in person and via Zoom

  • Opportunities to learn from and ask questions of candidates and elected officials

  • Other opportunities to volunteer and take action

  • Friends with shared values and nourishing conversation

Photo: PERSISTers gather in the park for a Friday morning meeting.

We are a community…

of like-minded people driven by the need for social justice, motivated by each other and inspired by good leaders and every day (s)heroes. Won’t you join us? Time commitment as a member is as big or as little as you want. Join to simply help keep up with current events, or use PERSISTers as an avenue for social discourse and engagement.


“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.”

— Emily Dickinson